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Further Information

Frontispiece from The Textile Manufactures of India. © Harris Museum & Art Gallery.

Frontispiece from The Textile Manufactures of India. © Harris Museum & Art Gallery.

Special thanks:

The Harris Museum & Art Gallery & the co-curator team would like to thank:

  • Anne Morrell and Lyn Setterington for coming to the Harris to discuss The Textile Manufactures of India with the co-curator team.
  • Sonia Ashmore for visiting the Harris, hosting visits to the textile stores at the V&A, and being so generous with time, knowledge, advice and research.
  • Brenda King for visiting the Harris to discuss the project.
  • Simon Critchley for helping the co-curators with photography.
  • Magic Toolbox for the use of Magic Zoom Plus.

The co-curator team would especially like to thank the Committee and Membership of The Textile Society for providing additional support to enable the development of this website.

More information:

For more information on John Forbes Watson and The Textile Manufactures of India please see the following:

The V&A website: http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/textiles/features/1758_Indian_textiles_and_empire/

John Forbes Watson’s entry on the Dictionary of National Biography: http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/28847

Published sources:

Desmond, Ray, ‘Reporter on the Products of India’ in The India Museum, 1801-1879, London, HMSO, 1982

Driver, Felix, ‘Exhibiting South Asian Textiles’ in Christopher Brewer, ed., British Asian Style: Fashion & Textiles / Past & Present, London, V&A Publishing, 2010.

Driver, Felix & Ashmore, Sonia, ‘The Mobile Museum: Collecting and Circulating Indian Textiles in Victorian Britain’, Victorian Studies, Vol.52, No. 3, Spring 2010, pp. 353-385.

Lyons, Agnes M. M., ‘The Textile Fabrics of India and Huddersfield Cloth Industry’, Textile History, 27 (2), 1996, pp. 172-194.

Swallow, Deborah, ‘The India Museum and the British-Indian textile trade in the late nineteenth century’, Textile History, 30 (I), 1999, pp.29-45.

Image Credits:

For granting permission to reproduce images on this website the co-curator team would like to thank:

  • The Whitworth Art Gallery, The Manchester University
  • The Victoria & Albert Museum
  • The National Archives
  • Lancashire Country Library and Information Service

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