No. 543: Silk piece goods.
Extra Information: Silk piece goods. Silk for garments, used by men and women. A peculiar fabric, woven with stripes at centre and ends; to be cut in two and sewn together at sides to form a garment.
Material: Silk
Pattern: Geometric
Decorative technique: Woven
Main colours: Orange, yellow, red, green
Use: Clothing; Fabrics described as piece goods
Type: Garment
Sample cut from
Original fabric length: 8 yards 28 inches. When cut for wear, 4 yards 14 inches long.
Original fabric width: 24
Original fabric weight (Ounces): 1 lb. 1
Price: 0
From: Bago, Bago Division, Burma
City: Bago
Area: Bago Division
Country: Burma (Myanmar)
Forbes Watson described this area as: Pegu; Burmah